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How many times have you started something with the best of intentions only to fizzle out before you ever got the idea fully off the ground? Frustrating. This feels especially bad when you quit after making significant inroads into the project. You wouldn’t think you’d leave something hanging like that, but you do.Why?We tend to be bad at reaching our goals. Not because we can’t make a decent goal or even put the work in. It's the follow-through that gets us down, mostly because goals tend to involve future success. It's hard to stay excited about something you're not going to finish for days or even weeks from now, even when we're motivated to do so.The problem isn't us so much as the idea being somewhat abstract. Let's face it; we'd much rather do something which will give us immediate gratification. Games on your phone are designed to give you this instantly. Every level fulfilled sparks and dances with joy, giving you a pleasant little surge of dopamine in your brain with every high score.Because we like this kind of immediate feedback, we tend to put off those far-off projects for more immediate gratification. If you’re like most people, you’ve probably even gotten good at justifying this abandonment. Trading one project for another, which is easier with a faster culmination, is easy to do. But is it satisfying?Let's face it; sometimes, you do want to finish what you started. Those great big, interesting goals are the things that can change lives when you reach them. So how can you act with diligence and get things done even when the world pulls you in all directions? Read Diliegence to find out!

Diligence: Take Action, Follow-Through, Finish What You Start

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